Titolo RadioProducerAnnoTag
Radia Show 959 | RADioArt Version 2024 TEA FM Chuse Fernandez, TEA FM Radio Workshop 2023 Daphne Oram, sound art, workshop, radio
Radia Show 935 | Can we talk, dear AI? TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2022 Chuse Fernandez, treno, lavoro creativo, intelligenza artificiale
Radia Show 844 | Goya 275 TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2021 pittura, Stagione 46, Francisco Goya, Spain
Radia Show 871 | Murray Schafer, In Memoriam TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2021 soundscape, Raymond Murray Schafer, Michael Southworth
Radia Show 794 | More than a pandemia TEA FM TEA FM 2020 stagione 44, covid-19
Radia Show 741 | Tell them not to kill me. A mexican tale TEA FM Juan Rulfo 2019 Messico, letteratura, Juan Rulfo, rivoluzione messicana
Radia Show 768 | El Mundo Grita TEA FM 2019 Cile, protesta, Colombia, Sud America
Radia Show 685 | Sensathesia TEA FM Laura Sierra, Stel Garcia 2018 colore, sensi, field recording, documentario sperimentale
Radia Show 626 | What dreams are made of TEA FM Chuse Fernandez, Pablo Ribot 2017 sogno, radio arte, stagione 38
Radia Show 654 | Deaf Ears - Oidos Sordos TEA FM TEA FM 2017 Spagna, protesta, Identità, stagione 39
Radia Show 574 | Travel Sounds TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2016 Spagna, viaggio, Colombia, field recording
Radia Show 600 | Radia Special Collage TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2016 mix, radio arte, stagione 37
Radia Show 525 | Interstellar Sound TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2015 NASA
Radia Show 550 | James Joyce. The sound of words TEA FM Chuse Fernandez, Bernard Clarke 2015 James Joyce, Docu-fiction, linguaggio
Radia Show 476 | Randonn TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2014 TEA fm, soundscape, Chuse Fernandez, Francia
Radia Show 500 | Une libération (sonore) de Paris.1944-2014 TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2014 Parigi, soundscape, Seconda Guerra Mondiale, stagione 33
Radia Show 427 | Crisis what crisis TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2013 reportage, economia, documentario, stagione 30
Radia Show 451 | Linea 33 on strike for a job TEA FM Santi Ric 2013 Messico, politica, soundscape, reportage
Radia Show 358 | Oramic Radio Sounds TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2012 BBC, Daphne Oram, musica elettronica, Compositori
Radia Show 380 | Sounds of music the music of sounds TEA FM Laura Romero, Daniel Caleno, Miguel Deza, Chuse Fernandez 2012 musica, Escuela creativa de Radio, Zaragoza
Radia Show 318 | Radio Brecht TEA FM Chuse Fernandez 2011 teatro, media studies, Bertolt Brecht
Radia Show 338 | Nikola Tesla TEA FM Various 2011 tecnologia, documentario, scienza, radiodramma
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