

All forms lead to death, it is only question of immediacy.
Invisible Tattoos marks an apotheosis in my compositional perspective and aims in that I have moved away from the process of implementing quantitative preconceived ideas and architectonic structuring models in composition, especially those of instrumental origin, to a mode of qualitative monitoring of
compositional progress solely based on the perceivable sonic energy-trajectories present in the sounding material. To paraphrase Deleuze and Guattari I have moved from the realm of logos to that of nomadic assemblage: from planes of organization to planes of consistency.
At the time of composing
Invisible Tattoos, tattoo-culture, thanatology and Tai Chi formed a trinity of poietic impulses and areas of research, which directed my focus to the "flesh" of sound and its decay in time. Thus my conceptual aim became the desire to remove or negate the act of perceiving process functions and empty symbolic fields, where mental contemplation is required for the reading or unravelling of the self-generated discourse of the language-machine, by approaching the "death" of each perceivable form or formal structuring as soon as possible. The destruction of pre-conceived formal principles enables one to approach the mystical moment of "now" and to appreciate the different organic forms rising out of the flow of time, out of emptiness - forms with no names.

[Antti Sakari Saario]


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