Peripheries: the lives of others
in conversation with Lorenzo Tripodi
While working on Plotting the Urban Body Firenze, Maria Pecchioli met Lorenzo Tripodi, architect and founding member of Ogino Knauss. Maria and Lorenzo have known each other since the late Nineties: they met at Hack it 98, the first Italian hackmeeting held at the Centro Popolare Autogestito (CPA) in Florence. Here they go back to Lorenzo's twenty-year research practice, rooted in situationist urban drift methods and developed between cartography and political activism until it merged into a complex and all-encompassing transdisciplinary methodology of the so called 64 Urban Reconnaissance exercises.

We are sorry about this conversation being in Italian only. If any enquires, please write to
Lorenzo Tripodi is an architect, he holds a PhD in Urban, Regional and Environmental Design, complemented by a steady practice of urban divagations as an artist and an activist. He works as an independent researcher and a consultant in urbanism and as a film-maker. His principal research interests are in regeneration and conflicts of public space, integrated sustainable urban development, urban peripheries and modernist heritage, image production processes in the urban economy, collaborative mapping and participative planning. Develops an experimental artistic activity within the Ogino:knauss collective producing films, documentaries, video-installations, photography, graphic design and new media. He has developed in the course of his manyfold activities a trans-disciplinary approach summarised in the Urban Reconnaissance methodology.