Radia Show 930 | Runaway Noosphere |
Reboot.fm |
2023 |
Radia, season 49 |
Radia Show 906 | Fish for Thought |
Reboot.fm |
Varja Hrvatin, Polina Burovskaya, M. Marque Pham, Gideon Morison |
2022 |
politics, pollution, sea, radio drama |
Radia Show 857 | Sounding Sambatas |
Reboot.fm |
David Munoz Alcantara, Mijke van der Drift, Diana McCarty, Oleksiy Radynski, Nika Zenova |
2021 |
public space, ruins, urban space, performance |
Radia Show 797 | Amauta Mixtapes |
Reboot.fm |
2020 |
David Muñoz Alcántara, Giovanna Esposito Yussif |
Radia Show 771 | Latitude (Afro Sonic Sextant) |
Reboot.fm |
Satch Hoyt |
2020 |
diaspora, migration, sound mapping, African sonic signifier |
Radia Show 716 | Identifying as Anonymous |
Reboot.fm |
marimoriko |
2018 |
identity, internet, public speech, anonymity |
Radia Show 688 | Luftung |
Reboot.fm |
Anna Bromley |
2018 |
archive, politics, performance, East Europe |
Radia Show 659 | Method |
Reboot.fm |
Anna Zett |
2017 |
interview, season 39, tarots, Beijing |
Radia Show 603 | Postcards from ISISTANBUL |
Reboot.fm |
2/5BZ |
2016 |
power, Istanbul, Turkey, season 37 |
Radia Show 577 | RADIO 0-3-0 |
Reboot.fm |
Emeka Ogboh |
2016 |
migrants, installation, Berlin, refugees |
Radia Show 553 | Sicherheitsdienst im Auftrag der BVG @ DIYChurch |
Reboot.fm |
Steven Warwick, D.I.Y. Church |
2015 |
electronic music, Berlin, Heatsick, independent space |
Radia Show 528 | Hidden Places |
Reboot.fm |
Gabi Schaffner, Pit Schultz |
2015 |
Iceland, nature, soundscape |
Radia Show 504 | Datscharadio Audiokomposter |
Reboot.fm |
Pit Schultz, Gabi Schaffner |
2014 |
Datscha Radio, transmission art, guerrilla gardening, nature |
Radia Show 479 | Jingled Jungle |
Reboot.fm |
Sara Lehn |
2014 |
mix, pirate radio, site specific, micro-fm |
Radia Show 454 | Wind Park Drone |
Reboot.fm |
Karl Heinz Jeron |
2013 |
soundscape composition, technology, nature, wind |
Radia Show 430 | MuseRuole |
Reboot.fm |
JD Zazie |
2013 |
experimental music, women in sound, festival, season 30 |
Reboot.fm |
2/5BZ |
2012 |
political art, experimental, Istanbul, Turkey |
Radia Show 373 | The time machine UFOS |
Reboot.fm |
Daze Dasen |
2012 |
radio play, collage, season 28 |
Radia Show 351 | Global Prayers |
Reboot.fm |
Piko Be |
2011 |
experimental, talk show, religion, soundscape |
Radia Show 331 | Raw Audio Recordings II: Open Classics |
Reboot.fm |
Gabi Schaffner, Pit Schultz |
2011 |
cut-up, field recording, season 26 |